Czech-German Young Professionals Program (CGYPP) celebrated 10-years anniversary in Prague and looked how to bridge gaps in our societies. Simultaneously, the current program year goes on with the second seminar.

Fourteen Participants from Germany and the Czech Republic have been invited to the Czech capital to elaborate on relevant economic, political, and social issues related to this year’s topic Bridging the Gaps. Besides that they had a unique opportunity to meet with CGYPP – alumni community.

The seminar covered a wide range of current topics. It started on Wednesday evening with an opening round and a visit of the performance “The Topic” by the 1st Czech-German Cabaret.

On the next day, CGYPP – participants met to discuss with their fellow Václav Kříž and Silvie Silná from RUBIKON Centrum and about social consequences of indebtedness in the Czech republic. This round was followed by a session about restorative justice with Petra Masopust Šachová from Palacký University Olomouc and Lucie Vidovićová from Masaryk University in Brno. The afternoon was dedicated to a Sketchnoting workshop lead by Visual Coaches Jana Erbenová and Marcela Janíčková.

On Friday morning, the Vice President of Confederation of Industry Radek Špicar joined the group to discuss about Brexit, promoting the EU and communication with euro skeptic voters. During the working lunch, the CGYPP-group got the opportunity to learn about divides in the Czech education system from Michaela Kučerová, leader of the educational staff team at the Prague branch of the Czech NGO People in Need.

Then it was time for fact-finding missions. The participants split into three groups and got the task to visit a project that bridges gaps in society. One of them went to Czech Radio to learn more about the initiative Jesus` Grandchildren, the second to the NGO Post Bellum and the third met with CGYPP-Alumnus Jürgen Gradl to discuss his idea Service for All. Afterwards the participants shared their results and impressions with the whole group.

The day was concluded by a debate with journalist Silvie Lauder from the Czech weekly Respekt about Czech reaction to the Mee Too movement.

The fourth day of the seminar started with a visit of the historic building Invalidovna and a discussion with CGYPP-Alumnus and architect Michal Volf about bridging the gaps in cities. During lunch, the participants met with Sabe Soe, the Director of a Czech NGO Burma Center Prague, Asui Siakhelová, CGYPP-Alumna Tereza Blahoutová and Petr Novák from the Czech Ministry of Interior to discuss the integration of Burmese refugees in Czech society.

The afternoon vas devoted to a podcasting workshop with Dan Tržil.

The third CGYPP 2019 workshop will take place in Chemnitz and Ústí nad Labem on September 19th-22th.

The program is initiated and financed by the Czech-German Fund for the Future.